Your Paranormal
Your Paranormal

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Beyond - Your Paranormal Journey Awaits

Occult Practices and RitualsThe occult means knowledge of the hidden or paranormal and is often itself shrouded in mystery and rituals. Other rituals presented here form part of mysterious religions which are not widely understood in Western culture.

The Bargarran Witches are regarded as the last mass execution of witches in Western Europe. Victims of widespread hysteria in Scotland.
- 23rd Oct, 2018

Dybbuk Box are wax sealed boxes which are said to contain entrapped spirits and malevolent beings. Breaking the seal releases the spirit.
- 2nd Oct, 2018

Clairvius Narcisse was a Haitian man said to have been turned into a living zombie by a bokor (witch doctor) and the only recorded account.
- 22nd Jan, 2012

The origins of Halloween can be traced back to ancient Briton when the Celts celebrated their new year on November 1st, and Samhain before.
- 31st Oct, 2008

Isaac Newtons occult studies explored natural sciences, material theory, chronology, alchemy and Biblical interpretations of the Apocalypse.
- 28th Mar, 2008

The word Alchemy comes from the Arabic al-kimia and refers to an early form of science which involves the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline.
- 7th Mar, 2008

Campaigners have submitted a petition to Scottish Parliament calling for the last convicted witches to be pardoned in Scotland.
- 28th Feb, 2008

Astrology incorporates Horoscopes, Psychic readings, numerology and tarot using knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies.
- 27th Dec, 2007

Voodoo is the westernisation of the religious tradition originating in West Africa, which came to prominence due to the slave trade.
- 27th Dec, 2007

What is witchcraft? We take a look at Witchcraft through history, the origins, practices and customs, witch hunts and trials.
- 27th Dec, 2007