Your Paranormal
Your Paranormal

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Secrets of the SkiesWhat is a black hole, Why did the Hindenburg explode into a ball of fire? Have beings from outer space ever landed on Earth and tried to make contact with its inhabitants?

History of UFO since their first observations, and most have a simple and valid explanation there are some that defy current understanding.
- 21st Dec, 2007

Crop circles are a generic term used to describe the flattening of crops, usually in a circular pattern were thought to be work of UFO's.
- 21st Dec, 2007

Japan's chief government spokesman, Nobutaka Machimura, has announced in a press release that Unidentified Flying Objects UFOs exist.
- 18th Dec, 2007

Project Blue Book was a detailed study of UFO sightings by the US Air Force which ended in the late 1960s but there are calls to reopen it.
- 13th Nov, 2007

Are we alone in the universe? Discover the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life and the mysteries surrounding the existence of aliens.
- 4th Jul, 2007