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Hades & the King of Corinth

The ancient Corinth inhabitants thought their king, King Sisyphus of Corinth, was the most shrewd ruler who had ever lived! They frequently boasted about him.

By Tim Trott | Mythology | November 7, 2013

The king of Corinth was working hard one day to come up with a solution to the city's freshwater shortage. Zeus, who was flying by and holding a gorgeous river spirit, was visible to him.

The king sighed, "That Zeus." What a troublemaker, I say.

The river-God Asopus flew by shortly after that. He shouted at the king, "Have you seen my daughter?

King Sisyphus cried back, "If you'll offer my city a supply of pure water, I'll tell you what I saw." A completely clear freshwater stream immediately began to boil up.

The king indicated that "Zeus took her that way."

Zeus would be furious when he found out what the monarch had done, and the king knew it. But a source of fresh water was a necessity for Corinth and now they had one.

Indeed, Zeus was enraged. He instructed his brother Hades to instantly descend to the underworld with King Sisyphus!

King Sisyphus hastily whispered to his wife, "Do not slip a gold coin under my tongue when they tell you I am dead." She followed the king's instructions exactly because she was a good wife.

Hades met the king at the River Styx, the gateway to the underworld because the king was a very significant individual. The king arrived at the door to the underworld as a destitute beggar because no gold coin was inserted under his tongue. What happened to your gold coin? Hades cried out in shock. How does one pay for a crossing of the River Styx to get to the underworld?

With humiliation, the king hung his head. My wife was too cheap to cover the cost of the passage.

Hades's mouth opened. You return there immediately and give that woman some manners lessons. The king was promptly returned to earth by Hades, where he miraculously came back to life.

When he told his beloved wife about it, the king and queen chuckled. But he kept his secret from others. The gods might be listening at any time.

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